Via deze lezing, die we zeer visueel hebben gemaakt dankzij verschillende video’s, wensen we het thema van kattenagressie te verdiepen. Hoe kunnen we tekenen van stress en/of agressie bij de kat herkennen? Hoe kunnen we deze observaties aan de eigenaars meedelen? Hoe kunnen we de eigenaars helpen om de agressie bij hun kat te beheren en om de relatie tussen eigenaar en kat te verbeteren?
In de inleiding bespreken we het sociaal gedrag bij de kat, de verschillende communicatiekanalen en de sociale functie van agressie bij de kat.
Daarna betreden we de wereld van de kattenagressie. Na de prevalentie, de risicoanalyse en de prognose van kattenagressie doorlopen te hebben, zullen we de verschillende agressietypes tegenover personen (angstagressie, frustratie-agressie, predatie-agressie, agressie na interactie met personen) en tegenover katten (huis- of buurtkatten) bespreken.
We hopen dat deze lezing jullie de nodige tools zal geven om kattenagressie in jullie praktijk te durven benaderen.
I qualified as a veterinarian from Ghent University (Belgium) in 2001, defending a thesis about the welfare of horses at the Complutense University of Madrid (Spain). Subsequently I obtained a PhD in Ethology at the University of Namur (Belgium) in 2009. This PhD research improved the security, efficiency and welfare among the working dogs and their handlers at the Belgian Defence. This project has been perceived as the groundwork of forthcoming research, identifying significant improvements in the way working dogs should be raised and/or procured, trained and employed - not to mention their welfare and the human animal relationship.
After my PhD graduation, I created Vet Ethology, a veterinary and behavioural practice. Vet Ethology offers consultations for horses, dogs and cats to heal your pets’ medical and behavioural problems mostly through natural and positive methods.
I am a European Veterinary Specialist in Behavioural Medicine (ECAWBM-BM) since 2013 and member of different Veterinarian Associations in Ethology (ECAWBM, ESVCE, VDWE, SFEV).
I am teaching animal behaviour in collaboration with different institutions as Odisee University College (Belgium: Postgraduate Course of Applied Animal Behaviour; International Postgraduate Course in Companion Animal Behaviour and Welfare of Odisee University College; Dog Assisted Interactions) and École National Vétérinaire Alfort (France: Postgraduate Course in Veterinary Behavioural Medicine)...
As an author of several peer-reviewed articles, I conduct ongoing research on Ethology and Human Animal Interactions. My actual research interest treats the influence of olfactory enrichment on emotions of humans and animals. I am a frequent lecturer in Belgium and abroad on the topic of Animal Behaviour and human-animal interactions.
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